It’s Elastic! Scale Up — or Down — with Oracle Cloud eCommerce Solutions

It’s no secret online sales are on the rise in the United States, and most agree they will account for more and more sales in the future. As a retailer, your ability to keep up with this trend and provide your consumers with a safe, reliable online storefront is critical. To achieve these results, many have turned to the Oracle Commerce Cloud.

Business elasticity

One online shopping challenge pertains to the nature of online retail business: It fluctuates. Sales and web traffic naturally experience highs and lows coinciding with special events, holiday shopping trends, promotions, and even other, less predictable circumstances. The ability for your system to respond to these variances without breaking the budget — or your online store — is key to keeping your customers happy and, thus, shopping again and again. Successful online store owners have adopted the Oracle Commerce Cloud to give their customers the speed, reliability, and ease of use consumers have come to expect.

The Oracle Commerce Cloud is a complete out-of-the-box software as a service (SaaS) solution, giving you the tools you need to sell goods online. The Oracle Commerce Cloud includes a digital store front, easy-to-use backend for product management, access to data and trends to improve sales, and much more. The Oracle Commerce Cloud keeps all your data from product information, sales data and trends, and customer inputs in one admin sign-on location to reduce and streamline your tasks. This makes Oracle Cloud eCommerce Solution agility key in the day and age of online shopping.

The Oracle Commerce Cloud is:

  • Easy to manage — The Oracle Commerce Cloud has many built-in features to make online store management easy. Drag-and-drop design options, catalog management and consumer communication tools, the ability to print shipping labels, and admin dashboards give you control over your online store.
  • Feature-rich — Your Oracle Commerce Cloud store offers you important features. From social media plugins and SEO optimization tools to help your online store succeed to A/B testing, email newsletter promotion and sales data, and many others, these ingrained features help you make your business grow and succeed online.
  • Scalable — Slow-to-respond online stores are not only annoying for customers but also bad for business. Consumers are conditioned to expect speed, and the Oracle Commerce Cloud’s scalability features keep your site running fast during peak traffic periods. The Commerce Cloud is designed to fit the needs of stores of every size and can easily move up or down in bandwidth depending on the size of your store, traffic fluctuations, and sales.
  • Cost-effective — With the Oracle Commerce Cloud, you only pay for what you need and only when you need it. You can either assess fees based on page views or revenue share, depending on what is better for your business. A flexible subscription model keeps you from paying more than necessary.
  • Reliable — The Oracle Commerce Cloud supports nearly perfect uptime, meaning your online store will never go down despite increased traffic or sales.
  • Secure — Online shoppers have come to expect retailers to protect their identities, preventing data breaches or security interruptions. The Oracle Cloud eCommerce Solution places utmost importance on security with many security features in place to protect your customers’ identities and personal information.

As your business grows and changes, you can easily add or remove online store features and services with Oracle Commerce Cloud. The power to customize your store keeps operating costs low as you’re not paying for anything extra and you don’t have to scale up until necessary. Alternatively, you can scale down at any time to adjust for seasonal lows or changes in production. As the nature of your store changes, you can make changes to your Oracle Cloud eCommerce Solution to continually meet your customers’ needs.

Successful online retailers offer fast, seamless eCommerce sites, allowing their customers to shop when and how they want to. Migrating your online store to the Oracle Commerce Cloud is a smart business investment that allows you to do just that for your customers. It is a cost-effective, safe, and easy-to-manage solution that can help keep your store competitive and help keep your customers coming back for more.

Interested in learning more about how the Oracle Commerce Cloud could benefit your online retail business? Contact the Oracle Cloud experts at Arisant by calling us at 303-330-4065 or by emailing As an Oracle Preferred Partner, we will work with you to maximize your Oracle Commerce Cloud in a way that gives you and your customers exactly what you’re looking for — without breaking the bank thanks to our simplified Oracle licensing. By utilizing our cloud services, we help ensure your Oracle Cloud eCommerce Solution is fully integrated, scalable, and secure.

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