If you are like most other companies out there today, you are experiencing new types of data (e.g. unstructured), new data sources such as social media, and data streaming (constant, 24×7 in-flow of data) flooding your organization at unprecedented volumes and speed.
These diverse data sets that come in through a variety of sources such as sensors, log files, social media applications, etc., present several challenges. The main problem is that traditional relational data warehouses are not suitable to store this data economically and process it fast enough.
Arisant can help you tap into these new data sources and provide real-time insights using big data analytics. Leveraging Hadoop, Spark and other Big Data technologies, Arisant can architect a cost-effective and scalable solution that will gather, process, store and analyze your data.
Whether you are looking to implement a big data repository to address high-velocity, high-volume unstructured data, provide a data streaming and event processing solution or implement a Data Lake for ad-hoc operational reporting and data exploration, Arisant is here to help. Not only we can help with the technical implementation but we can also assist with the creation of a comprehensive information management strategy that includes new types of data and integrates them with traditional data stored in relational data warehouses.