Ensuring data security and giving users practical tools to manage said data is a top Oracle Cloud user priority. One of the ways the Oracle Cloud ecosystem accomplishes this is through Oracle Identity Management and Access Management solutions. In fact, the user management system in Oracle Cloud has become one of its most valuable features for many. By managing users and configuring their roles within the cloud, business leaders can effectively leverage platform use across their organizations.
Oracle Identity Management and Access Management give IT decision-makers the necessary tools to manage all users and their abilities within the cloud environment, both within business walls and outside. Together, they provide solutions for IT leaders to maintain users’ identities as well as their permissions and capabilities within the cloud. The nearly endless user setting options built into the cloud provide additional security measures by giving decision-makers the ability to control exactly who can access data and exactly what they can see.
Oracle Identity and Access Management users can control who has access to all the data, applications, and web service platforms those within their business utilize every day. This includes provisions for them to access data via a single sign-on to any business systems from any device, regardless of location. With the right settings and access credentials, executives and other high-level users can give employees just as little — or as much — access to data in the Oracle Cloud as they need to complete their job functions.
For example, with just a few clicks of a button, a high-level executive can access top-secret company data through a desktop or Oracle application on a hand-held device no matter where he or she may be working or traveling. On the other hand, a lower-level administrator may only see the bare minimum, keeping the top-secret data off-limits to those without permissions. System administrators can change these settings at any time as roles and needs evolve. The beauty of the system is that employee profiles in the Oracle Cloud are easy to manage, remove, and monitor as needed, offering IT and business leaders elasticity in their abilities to maintain security while reducing risks.
Partnering with an Oracle Platinum and Oracle Cloud MSP partner like Arisant — an industry leader in Oracle technologies and security provisions — can give you confidence in your cloud settings and credentialing to ensure your data is available only to those who need it. Leaders of businesses large and small can configure their Oracle Cloud platforms to maximize the value of this business investment.
Wondering if storing your critical data on the cloud is a safe decision for your business? Contact the experts at Arisant at 303-330-4065 or sales@arisant.com to learn more about Oracle Cloud and how we can find a solution that works best for you and your business.